Positive signs of seafood exports in 2022

Vietnam’s seafood exports in 2022 is estimated to reach USD 9.2 billion, up about 3.5% in value as compared to the previous year.


Shrimp and pangasius continue to be the “spotlight”

Vietnam Trade Promotion under the Ministry of Industry and Trade gives an estimation that Vietnam’s seafood exports will continue to rise and reach 2.1 million tons, valued at USD 9.2 billion, up 3.9% in quality and 3.5% in value as compared to 2021. Shrimp will remain as the key species and bring the largest export volume. According to Vasep, in 2022, Vietnam will see a positive growth in shrimp exportation because shrimp is delicious and convenient and the world will be in high demand of this species.

Potential destinations of Vietnamese species will be the US, Japan, and the EU in 2022 besides China, Korea, the UK, Australia, Canada and Singapore.

According to Vasep, in 2022, Vietnam will see a double digit growth in sales of shrimps in the US and the EU, a recovery in China after the slump in 2021, and a slight increase in Korea and Japan due to their stable demand.

Pangasius exports is forecasted to rise back in 2022 in the potential Chinese-Hong Kong market. According to Vasep, Vietnam will remain as one of the top three suppliers of white meat fish to this market and become the “exclusive” seller of frozen pangasius to China. The Chinese market is short of pangasius and will increase their purchase of this kind of fish in the future.


Develop the fisheries in a direction of hi-tech application

The Bình Định provincial People’s Committee has just approved the Project of planning a high technology based agriculture area for shrimp culture  in Mỹ Thành commune of Phù Mỹ district on a 375ha land, making a basis to call for investment into the agriculture sector and shrimp sector.

When put in operation, this will play as a shrimp broodstock area where the process of culture, commercial shrimp production, and food processing will be studied to facilitate the shrimp sector development of the province, the Middle, and the whole country, which helps to attract investors and hi-tech human resources from the country and abroad.

The Bình Định provincial People’s Committee approved the Project of developing a high technology based agriculture area for shrimp culture in Mỹ Thành commune of Phù Mỹ district with a total fund of VND 2.002 billion.

With an aim to become Vietnam’s shrimp industry center, Bạc Liêu sets a target of completing the project of a high technology based agriculture area for shrimp culture with the output of 600,000 tons of seafood by 2025. The province spends nearly 120,000ha of land on stocking shrimps, with 7,500ha on super-intensive, intensive, and semi-intensive farms, and 110,950ha on integrated improved extensive farms.